Getting rid of waste products and excess household water would be much more difficult without functioning drainage systems. But what happens when these necessary outlets suddenly stop blocked drains redhill working properly? One of the most common problems homeowners in Redhill face is blocked drains. This malady can lead to inconvenient effects such as foul odours, overflowing sinks, and eventually sweeping damages that require costly repairs. So, what are the most common causes of blocked drains in Redhill?
1. Grease and Fat Build-Up: Pouring grease or fat down the sink after cooking may appear to be harmless at first. However, as these substances cooldown, they solidify and stick to the interior walls of your drains. Over time, they cause a build-up that can gradually block the drain completely. Mr. David Richards, a prominent plumber in the Redhill area, explains that they remove massive fatballs from drains daily, which indicates how pervasive this problem is.
2. Hair: Hair can cause significant blockages in bathroom drains. Each individual strand might look thin and harmless, but collectively, they can tie together, forming an unyielding knot. This tangled mess quickly becomes a nuisance as it can trap other debris in the drain, leading to a severe blockage.
3. Foreign Objects: Kids toys, sanitary products, or even food particles can easily turn into a clog. They aren’t designed to go down the drains, and thus, they can quickly lead to obstruction. It’s always important to be careful about what you put down your drains, especially in children’s bathrooms or if you own a restaurant in Redhill.
4. Insufficient Sloping or Misalignment: A slight incline in your pipes promotes the flow of water and waste through the drainage system. However, if the angling is off, it might lead to water being stagnant or slow moving which can easily cause a block-up.
5. Tree Roots: Surprisingly, tree roots can be one of the most damaging causes of blocked drains. Driven by the hunt for water, they grow into the sewer lines, quickly breaking, blocking, and even destroying pipes. This cause of blocked drains is pretty common in Redhill due to its friendly environment for plant growth.
6. Hard Water Build-Up: Redhill is known for its hard water, which contains high levels of calcium and magnesium. Over time, these minerals can build up a residue inside the pipes, hindering the free flow of water and potentially leading to a blockage.
Avoiding blocked drains can primarily be attained by regular upkeep and being mindful of your habits. Maintain a cleaning routine, be disciplined about the substances that go down your drains, arrange for regular professional checks, and you should significantly reduce the chances of blockages.
In a scenario where prevention fails, and you have to deal with blocked drains, it is prudent to hire a professional plumber. Trying to fix a blocked drain without the necessary skills might only worsen the problem. Redhill offers a multitude of experienced, reliable drain servicing companies to handle such situations.
Understanding the common causes of blocked drains in Redhill is the premier step in protecting your home from plumbing disaster. With this knowledge, residents can take proactive measures to ensure their drains remain in optimal working condition.